My name is Mark Moran and I’m a feature film producer. Automatic Projects is my production company. You can find out more about my film work here.

I’ve always liked to make stuff. I started programming computers and video games at a young age. In order to create things in the real world, I built a dark room in my parents’ attic, rolled my own film, and printed pictures for my high school newspaper and yearbook. I also took ceramics and drawing and any other fine arts classes I could fit into my schedule.

My high school didn’t offer any shop classes, but I discovered a love for hobby electronics in 2012. A few years later, I expanded into woodworking and then metalworking. I particularly enjoy things that combine computer design with real world manufacturing, including CNC routing & milling, laser engraving, and 3D printing.

I was active on Facebook from 2007-2020 and also enjoyed showing off projects on Twitter and Instagram, but I grew disillusioned with the other aspects of social media. Hence this blog.